Im often asked if my blog works on a business level, and whether its worth it in the short and long term.
I say yes! For me, keeping a blog works on several different levels. As well as being good for business (some clients have found me via my blog), it helps to keep up the traffic on my main website . Theres also the all-important creative element as a writer, its important to find some creativity in everyday writings. Well, you could sometimes call my writing more of a rambling, but I do try. 🙂
With MarketingMoment, my aim is to combine revealing the core of who I am with good, solid content that is useful for those times when one thinks, Help! I need new business and fast!
To make it worthwhile, Id say you really need to be posting to your blog at least once per week. Ideally more. (I initially aimed for 2-4 posts per week, but soon found that running two businesses and wearing all hats for each meant that I had to settle for a more realistic 1-3 posts per week.) And for ideas for your blog, keep in mind your target market at all times.
Remember: there is no business with customers. And a blog helps you attract and keep in touch with current and potential customers.
What about you? Do you have a blog? If so, why, and how is it for you?
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