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Direct Mail

You may have heard that “direct mail is dead.” Especially in the world of Web 2.0. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Quick statistic: According to Target Marketing’s survey on direct response, 34% of respondents said direct mail delivers the healthiest ROI for customer acquisition. (Email came in at a respectable 24%.)

Does that mean that YOU should use direct mail as a client acquisition marketing method? Not necessarily.

  • If you don’t yet have a product or defined service or indeed anything to promote, then direct mail is unlikely to benefit you right now.
  • It’s certainly not right for you if you don’t have a defined target audience.
  • If you think of spending £10£20 on postage as an expense, rather than an investment, then direct mail is not for you.
  • If you want to develop a strong referral campaign, then direct mail might prove to be very beneficial.
  • If you’re launching a new publication, then direct mail can be the springboard to its success.
  • If you’re thinking of reaching your customers because your emails keep bouncing, then direct mail is likely to work for you.
  • If you can see the benefit of combining offline promotion with online advertising, then direct mail will be right up your street.

To get the most out of your direct mail campaign, I’d certainly suggest reading the works of David Ogilvy, Leo Burnett and Claude Hopkins. Many of their books will be available at your local library. You can borrow and review them without spending a penny.

Another way to gain F.R.E.E. insight into the aspects of success in direct-response marketing and other strong marketing performers is to sign up to receive my newsletter Communiqué for Success!